Minimum Rental Period is 90 days. All Contracts are Rent-to-buy, month-to-month w/no obligation to buy. The full payoff term of this agreement shall be from the date of the contract through a period of 24-60 months (depending on instrument and it's value). Monthly payments are due, payable and auto deducted on the first day or each month. If Renter fails to make any payment on or before the 10th day of each month, said failure shall constitute a default. RENTER authorizes Guitars Etc to investigate RENTER'S credit record and to report proper persons/bureaus RENTER'S performance of the Rental Agreement
RENTER has agreed to make all payments due under this agreement by auto pay (payments automatically charged to credit/debit card on Rental Agreement) on the first day of each month. RENTER shall be charged a fee of $15.00 for any unsuccessful transaction attempts tendered to Guitars Etc, and the IPP/POM Protection will be immediately cancelled.
The parties acknowledge that they have jointly examined the instrument to be rented and agree that said instrument is New, Like New (finish flaws, raised dents, which has been reflected in the value adjustment). RENTER agrees to return the instrument in the same condition as noted above subject to any normal wear. Any damage other than the normal wear is the sole responsibility of RENTER.
Careless handling, negligence or abuse to the instrument shall be cause for immediate termination of this agreement and surrender of the instrument. Cost of repairs to the instrument resulting from negligence or careless handling shall be the sole responsibility of RENTER and will be charged to the credit / debit card on Rental Agreement. Repairs shall be performed only by Guitars Etc. No other repair shop, music store, instructor, may work on the instrument in any capacity. I.P.P. COVERS MINOR SERVICE FOR NORMAL WEAR OVER THE COURSE OF THE RENTAL PLAN. P.O.M. COVERS MOST SERVICE OVER THE COURSE OF THE RENTAL PLAN. Accessories including but not limited strings, bow hair/re-hair, rosin, oils, swabs, reeds, shoulder rest etc are the sole responsibility of the RENTER. Accessories including but not limited to mouthpieces, ligatures, caps, strings, bows, etc. are the sole responsibility of RENTER.
RENTER agrees that the instrument shall be in his/her possession at the contract address at all times with the exception of necessary school/performance/lesson activities. In the event RENTER relocates to an address other than that reflected on contract, RENTER will notify Guitars Etc of the new address within 10 days. Failure to so notify Guitars Etc may be deemed a default of the rental agreement.
Instrument must be returned by the close of business day on the 25th of any given month to remove renter for upcoming auto deducted billing cycle. If instrument is returned after the 25th of the month you will get billed for the upcoming month and will not be eligible for a refund.
Should default occur for failure to make a monthly payment and remain uncured for a period of ten days or more, Guitars Etc may consider this agreement terminated and the IPP / POM Protection will be immediately canceled. After giving RENTER a notice of right to cure pursuant to C.R.S. 5-5-112, may take possession of any and all instruments wherever they may be located without court order. Any failure to return the instrument within 72 hours after it is due to be returned may be deemed a crime pursuant to C.R.S. 18-4-402 (Theft of Rental Property). All monies owed to Guitars Etc from RENTER (including but not limited to rents, taxes, maintenance fees, late fees, repair labor fees, repair parts fees, collection fees) must be brought current prior to the instrument being returned and account closed. Guitars Etc reserves the right to hire and use a third party collection service/agency to recover any/all monies owed by RENTER to Guitars Etc.
In the event Guitars Etc takes legal action to recover any amounts due under this agreement or to recover the instrument and/or accessories, RENTER agrees that he/she shall be liable for the payment of Guitars Etc's reasonable attorney fees.
Guitars Etc may exercise it's rights under this agreement to any extent it deems necessary. Any failure to exercise any right conferred to Guitars Etc hereunder shall not be deemed a waiver of said right or any other right conferred.
This agreement shall be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Colorado